18 Mar Meet Leigh
hi there! if i haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you, my name is leigh genkinger and i am the owner and founder of orderleigh home. i am a wife, sister and mother to three kids. we live in little silver, nj – the sweetest little town only 5 miles away from “the shore”. we moved here almost 6 years ago after spending 15 years in hoboken, nj. i had a successful career in merchandising with no plans of ever leaving. however, the ever-changing retail environment had different plans for me, and i lost my job during a restructuring the summer we moved to little silver.
believing that everything happens for a reason, i decided to take this as a blessing and focus on embracing my life as a stay-at-home mom.
although i loved my new life, i found that i missed working outside the house. i wanted to find something that would allow me to focus on my family while using my gifts and talents to help others.
i’ve always had a closeted case of OCD and a major love of ROY-G-BIV! my sister used to say that i had lists for lists. i’d been following professional organizers on instagram like “the home edit” for quite some time. (i actually went to high school with joanne, one of the co-founders, but i digress). i started seeing more and more home organizers pop up in my instagram feed and started to wonder
“hold on a sec!? could i really start a business doing what i love doing!?”
that’s when orderleigh home was born.
what started as a solo mission has grown into a team of 7 organizers! my team and i focus on blending function and design. from closets to pantries and every space in between we have organized it.
for the first time in my career, i feel like i am doing something that changes people’s lives for better. creating order and calm, where there was once chaos is rewarding to me, but the joy and peace it gives to my clients is indescribable.
my guess is that if you have read this far already, you want to know what’s up next?
in addition to posting our transformations on social media, this is the place where i’ll share my favorite organizing items with you and tips on how to use them.
from “how-to” to Q & A, this is the hub to inspire you to have an orderleigh home.
i’m happy you’re here and i look forward to sharing the journey with you.